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Showing posts from January, 2019

A Guide To Use Pacman Package Manager [Tips/Tricks]

The pacman package manager is one of the major distinguishing features of Arch Linux. The goal of pacman is to make it possible to easily manager package, whether they are from the official repository or built by user. In this guide we will show you how to use pacman effectively to manager all your packages in your Linux systems. Listing Packages 1. Listing all packages installed in your system $ pacman -Q aalib 1.4rc5-13 accountsservice 0.6.54+2+g204a4ab-1 acl 2.2.53-1 adwaita-icon-theme 3.30.1-1 alsa-lib 1.1.7-2 alsa-utils 1.1.7-1 ... 2. Listing all foreign packages(manually downloaded and installed packages) $ pacman -Qm jmtpfs 0.5-2 ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-10 yaourt 1.9-1 ... 3. List all the packages in the group $ pacman -Sg "your group name" 4. List all packages along with their individual sizes and sort them $ pacman -Qi | awk '/^Name/{name=$3} /^Installed Size/{print $4$5, name}' | sort -h 1024.00B ca-certificates 1024.00B xorg-font-utils 2

Install Arch Linux from graphical installer!

Arch Linux is the most loved and hard to install Linux distributions of all time. Arch uses the rolling release model, such that regular update is all that is needed to get latest software releases. It keeps the uses on bleeding edge of software. The design approach of the development team follows the KISS principle (“keep it simple, stupid”) as a general guideline and focuses on minimalism and simplicity. Arch Linux is generally used by hardcore Linux uses who are familiar with the Linux framework. Installing Linux requires high knowledge about the Linux commands and might often lead to undesired outcomes while installing. There are a lot of graphical installation programs available for Arch Linux such as Revenge Graphical Installer. Meet another graphical installer called “archfi”. Screenshot: Archfi helps you to install Arch Linux with dos like installation. This script even allows you to install packages and environment after the successful Arch Linux installation How

Python tricks you did not know!

Python is one of the world’s most popular and in demand programming language. There are various reasons being:  It’s super easy  It’s easy to learn, even for beginners  It has large number of modules and libraries. Here are a few python tricks that I stumbled upon while coding. 1. All or Any “All” keyword returns true if all the conditions are true, whereas “Any” returns true if any on condition is true. x = [True, True, False] if any(x): print("At least one True") if all(x): print("Not one False") if any(x) and not all(x): print("At least one True and one False" 2. howdoi If you forget any keyword or the coding template, you can easily refer without going away from the terminal. First install howdoi. Make sure you have pip installed for your python version. $ pip install howdoi Now ask any questions you have. It scrapes the top answer from StackOverflow and gives you the appropriate answer. For example: $ howdoi vertical align c

How to change lockscreen wallpaper in Lubuntu/lxde Linux distribution. 7 easy steps

Are your bored with the same old theme in your linux lock screen? Here is a simple tutorial to change your lockscreen wallpaper in Lubuntu/lxde kernels. Pre-requisite: 1. Lubuntu / lxde kernel 2. Wallpaper. My wallpaper is named a.jpg in "/home/pictures/" Let's get 🌟 ted! Step 1: go to your wallpaper location. My wallpaper is in Picture folder. Step 2: click tools -> terminal Step 3: type code: sudo cp a.jpg /usr/share/lubuntu/wallpaper/a.jpg After this, make sure your image is in that directory. "/use/share/lubuntu/wallpaper Step 4: type code: sudo cd /etc/lighdm Step 5: change your "lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf" file. This is the most important step. 1) If you have " vim" installed type: sudo vi lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf   and simply change the "background" with your image. 2) if you have " nano" installed type:   sudo nano lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf   and simply change the "background"

9 Amazing PC hacks that will save your time.

Hey! Are you still annoyed when you close your word document without saving it? Or do you want to use airport WiFi for free??  Here is the list of 9 amazing PC hacks that everyone ought to know! 1. The PDF / exe dilemma. If you download a pdf file and find that it ends with an ".exe". Delete it immediately. It is a virus. Also make sure that you download materials from trusted websites. 2. Ever wished that airport/hotel WiFi was free? Here is a quick tip. When you have to pay for an airport or hotel WiFi, add "?.jpg" at end of url. They don't redirect images. 3. If you want to download videos from YouTube,... If you want to download videos from YouTube real quick, just add "ss" between "www." and "". It will redirect you to download page. 4. Revive your unsaved word document. Have you ever closed your word document without saving it? Yes? Go to your "my computer"/"this PC" and search