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How to change lockscreen wallpaper in Lubuntu/lxde Linux distribution. 7 easy steps

Are your bored with the same old theme in your linux lock screen? Here is a simple tutorial to change your lockscreen wallpaper in Lubuntu/lxde kernels.

1. Lubuntu / lxde kernel

2. Wallpaper. My wallpaper is named a.jpg in "/home/pictures/"

Let's get 🌟 ted!

Step 1: go to your wallpaper location. My wallpaper is in Picture folder.

Step 2: click tools -> terminal

Step 3: type code: sudo cp a.jpg /usr/share/lubuntu/wallpaper/a.jpg

After this, make sure your image is in that directory. "/use/share/lubuntu/wallpaper

Step 4: type code: sudo cd /etc/lighdm

Step 5: change your "lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf" file.

This is the most important step.
1) If you have "vim" installed type: sudo vi lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf  and simply change the "background" with your image.

2) if you have "nano" installed type:  sudo nano lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf  and simply change the "background" with your image.

Step 6: if you have any other file with contains "greeter" word. Then change their background url too.

Step 7: after changing your .conf file will look something like this:

Step 7: reboot your system.

Now you have finally changed your lockscreen wallpaper. If you have any queries feel free to ask in the comments section below. Also if your like my blog, follow me. 


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