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5 Very simple and easy ways to boost your productivity in 2021 ( Tried and tested )

 Simple ways to boost your productivity.

There are many ways to boost your productivity on the internet. I have tried and tested multiple productivity tips that I have learnt over the years. Productivity will help you balance your work environment and get ample time to rest your body for the next days work. I am going to share small productivity tips that will compound over long time and start seeing noticeable changes in your lifestyle.

1. Color of your environment

The color of your environment plays an important role in increasing your productivity. A separate study called as color psychology deals with the importance of color in human life.

There are different colors based on the mood of your current day and the amount of work you want to complete in a day. You can keep these colors as your background image or set it as a theme for your major software you work on your pc. You can also keep plant pots near your desk to increase your productivity.

RED color will help you work more as it is observed to elevate your heart beat and keeps you alert.

BLUE color is said to help your intellect and solve problems. This color is useful for analytical thinking and problem solving.

GREEN color keeps in overall balance. It is calm and sooting.

2. Avoid multitasking

There are a lot of debates regarding the multitasking and its effects on your productivity. I have personally found that multi tasking decreased my productivity. A simple example would be listening to songs and working. It will definitely increase your focus initially but gradually you will start to lose your focus. Your mind will start to wander to pick different song or you will skip songs more frequently.

The best way to stay focused is to do one task at a time. Keep all your distractions away and focus on the given task. Keep a notepad beside you to keep your organized than having an application. Hand written tasks are more effective.

3. Rest and breaks

Our brain needs breaks. We cannot perform the same task over a long period of time. There are many research being done in this field. The best way to stay productive is to make sure you get enough break at a specific interval. There are many techniques, but I used a technique called Pomodoro technique.

Pomodoro Technique: Do the task for 25 minutes without any distractions and then take a 5 minutes break. Do this cycle for 3-5 times and then take a 15 minutes break. During the break go away from your work place and do some stretching or drinking water. Make sure you are not doing anything related to work. I would also suggest not to surf social media during the break. Try to give a break to your eyes and relax your body.

4. Breathing techniques

Breathing is a involuntary action that our body performs. It means we breath without knowing it ourselves. There are a lot of research done practicing breathing patterns and its affects on your body. Breathing techniques are widely used to calm your nervous system in the situation of panic or "fight-flight" response. In fact, I am following a breathing technique while writing this article as well!

I follow a breathing pattern which I call "4 step breathing exercise". It is very simple to do anytime during the day. 

    1. Inhale through your nose on the count of 4. Each count try to breath in slowly.

    2. Wait for 2 seconds.

    3. Exhale through your nose on the count of 4 again.  Each count ty to breath out slowly.

    4. Wait for 2 seconds.

    5. Repeat.

Repeat this process whenever you feel anxious and feel loaded with work. It will help to calm your body and mind. You will regain your focus and start to work!

5. The 5 minute rule

The 5 minute rule states that if you ever feel lazy to start your work, just do that work for 5 minutes. For example, you want to start writing your blog, just write for 5 minutes. You want to work on your youtube channel, record for 5 minutes or write the script for 5 minutes. The main objective is to start the work rather than procrastinating it,

The hardest obstacle is to start the work rather than completing it. The mind doesn't wants to work and it tries to give different reasons as to why you should not do the work. Starting the work and doing it for 5 minutes will keep you going. Since you promised to work only for 5 minutes and your mind seems okay with it.

I have tried this technique in a lot of different areas of my life apart from work. You can try this in your everyday life like hitting the gym, running, exercise or any activity that feels boring but will give you good results in the long run.


Productivity is not something that will come instantly. It requires patience and continuous work on yourself to increase it. I have shared some simple and easy way to increase your productivity throughout your work. I have personally tried and tested them and it works like a charm. I would also love to hear your feedback. I also request you to comment and share this article as much as possible to reach a large number of people throughout the world.


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